4-H Has Talent Contest

  • 4-H Has Talent Contest
    4-H Has Talent Contest

The District 4-H Has Talent Contest was held in Fairview this past Saturday. 4-H Members from the Northwest District showcased their talents with a total of 18 acts. 4-H Has Talent is a talent-sharing activity designed to help boys and girls discover, develop, and demonstrate talents and begin to appreciate the performing arts.

The contest helps the 4-Hers develop poise, confidence, and skill by appearing before an audience, plus it may lead to vocational or professional careers related to entertaining for the 4-Hers. Reba McEntire credits 4-H Has Talent as a factor in her start in the entertainment business. Representing Blaine County was Avery Fisher, of Okeene 4-H with a humorous monologue about a pre-K students in time out and Macie Clark and Bailee Grigsby of Canton 4-H performing a singing duet together. Macie and Bailee received second place in small groups for their act.

For more information about how to become a part of 4-H, contact the Blaine County OSU Extension Office at 580-823-5195.