A Bubble Off Plumb

  • A Bubble Off Plumb
    A Bubble Off Plumb

Sometimes I listen to the national news either as it is broadcast or later when it is carried on subscription channels. Granted, those ‘other’ channels can be a little sketchy because you have to wonder what the agenda is behind them.

And they all have agendas, whether we agree what is carried on them or want to choke the life out of the individual on the screen.

But from time to time, when the information is based on the economy, I have to wonder what alternate universe the talking head is living in.

Only this morning, a ranking member of the Federal Reserve was explaining that inflation was dropping. When pressed, she admitted that did not mean prices were going down, or that inflation had dropped to previous levels. No, it meant that inflation wasn’t growing as rapidly as before. And those prices on many goods were not going to come down.

But the happy news, in her estimation, was that wages had grown, so the increased cost of living was effectively zeroed out. I had to ask, ‘where are you seeing that?’

The senator who was questioning her didn’t miss a beat in replying that wages hadn’t increased that much. Not enough to cover a 23% increase in the cost of eggs, or the similar price jumps in vehicles, healthcare and utilities.

I believe that is the biggest part of the problem with those who are supposed to be running the country. There is an enormous disconnect between their world and the real world.

Those folks live where meals come pre-packaged in boxes on the doorstep each week. It is just heat and eat. Real people are going to the grocery store and wondering whether they can afford meat this week, or whether it is going to be beans and rice again. It isn’t the livestock producer’s fault either, because he or she is pushing the cart directly in front of you, wondering the same thing.

Politicians can’t do a lot alone to fix the situation, but I do wish they would quit telling the public essentially the problem is all in our heads. I don’t know anyone who got a 20% wage increase this year, do you?

I’m climbing down off my soapbox now, but I will probably revisit it when the elections are getting closer and the questions are becoming more pressing.

And by the way, the preferential primary is slated for March 5. Are you registered to vote? Are you sure? Double check. The folks at the elections board can assist you or you can go on line to check your status.

Because if you don’t vote, you essentially give up any right you had to complain. Remember, the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good people to do nothing.