Emergency Incapacitated Ballots Still Available


Registered voters who become physically incapacitated after 5 p.m. Monday, February 19 and are unable to make it to the polls still have an opportunity to cast their ballot.

Blaine County Election Board Secretary Brenda Rice said state law permits voters who become emergency incapacitated after the date and time referenced to vote under special provisions.

Rice said emergency incapacitation is something most voters don’t think about. “Voting is our constitutional right, but life happens. Injury, illness, or even childbirth can prevent a voter from being able to go to the polls. That’s why it’s important to make sure voters know their rights in the event of an emergency.”

If you or someone you know becomes physically incapacitated after 5 p.m. February 19, contact your county election board as soon as possible. Rice said election board officials will work with you to make sure you have all the necessary information to cast your ballot. Information can also be found on the Oklahoma State Election Board website at oklahoma. gov/elections.

The Blaine County Election Board is located at courthouse on Weigle Avenue and is open 8 a.m. - 4 p.m., Monday through Friday.