Ferguson Features


We had seven visitors this week. A man that went to school in Taloga remembered coming to the museum for a tour when he was in school. We had a group of Post Masters come for a tour this week. One from Simpsonville, South Carolina and four from Oklahoma: Westville, Cleveland, Idabel, and Hydro. They were very interested in our history and very knowledgeable about antiques. I told them that T.B. used to be postmaster here in Watonga but resigned when he became Territorial governor. The lady from Cleveland asked if T.B. was related to their postman whose last name was Ferguson. I told her Governor Ferguson was from Sedan, Kansas. She said that it is possible because it isn’t very far from Cleveland, she said she was going to ask the man when she got back. One of the ladies was from Idabel, Oklahoma. I mentioned that I had a brother that lives in Idabel, and one in Broken Bow. She knew my brother who lives in Broken Bow.

An exciting thing happened this past week. Our new Site Director Ashley Crews found out her 3rd great grandfather built the Ferguson Home. More to follow about this.

Judy Curtin brought us some papers that Tim had from when he was involved with the Ferguson Home. Thank you Judy. It’s nice to get them. Ashley is scanning all the old papers into the computer so if something happens to the papers we will have a backup.

We found an old picture of a map that shows where the log cabin way station that we have in the backyard was located 3 miles west and 3 miles north of Watonga. There were 3 of them located there. They were there as a stopping off place for the cavalry to stay over while traveling between Ft. Supply and Ft. Reno and other places. Six to eight men could bunk there. There’s a trail marked Bull Foot Station cut one Trail. That trail starts at Pond Creek, goes over to the Way Station west of town, then turns south. Where it goes south it reads the old Caldwell Cattle Trail or Darlington Supply Trail. If it’s meaning Darlington over by Concho, it seems odd to come to Watonga then go over there, but I guess with such few trails that was a better route. Further west is a Caldwell trail starting at the Washita River, going to the west side of New Cantonment, then over to Hennessey Ballfoot Station. I know there is the Old Caldwell Trails Stables and Guest Ranch southeast of Fay, Oklahoma, probably some connection there. It also shows New Cantonment. Doing research I found it was a military Fort and called New Cantonment because it was newly built at the time. It was only used as a fort for about four years then turned into a boarding school for Cheyenne Arapahoe boys. At the bottom of the picture of the map it is titled, “Deep Creek Trail Refinement, Based on map of Lt. D. W. Fulton, May 1888.”

We’re so excited to have the Watonga third graders come April 19, 2022, for Frontier Days. Watonga will be 130 years old that day. We’ll have educational stations in the morning and play games and do crafts in the afternoon. Ladies from Watonga will help in the morning and the Watonga Middle School student council in the afternoon.

The Easter Egg Hunt for 5 years old and younger will be April 16, 2022, at 11:00 am. They must be able to walk. Pictures with the Easter Bunny at 10:00 am and are $5.00 for each picture not each person. If we run out of time before the hunt, we will continue taking pictures afterwards.

Our membership is open to anyone who wants to get involved. We welcome anyone that wants to join. You don’t have to be a member to volunteer. If you can only help with one item we welcome you.