Germans from Russia to Celebrate HarvestFest


Come have some good German food (essen) and fellowship (gemutlichkeit) on Oct.15, at Our Lord’s Lutheran Church, located at 2900 W. Hefner Rd., Oklahoma City.

The doors will open at noon and serving will begin at 12:30 p.m. The cost per plate is $15. Plates will include German Sausage (the best kind of wurst there is!), Bierox (aka Bierocks), German Hot Potato Salad (not your mama’s potato salad!), Red Cabbage (sweet and sour), Sauer Kraut (sour and sour), wieback rolls, kuchen, various fruit toppings, homemade root beer.

Are you German? You’re invited! Are you not German? You are invited too!

We hope to see you on the 15th!