Growing Old is the Pits


I don't know what happened but all of a sudden, I've started 'feeling my age.' I think that's what's happening anyway, but I can't be certain since I've never been this age before. I base the observation of my sudden decline on my sister. For years she's complained about how the cold weather makes her bones ache. My reaction tended to be “Pfffft. Must be heck being old.” Of course, this conversation took place in my head. If I'd have said it out loud, I'm sure I'd have felt how old she really was upside my head. LOL

I have always loved cold weather since I've never had to work out in it and I especially like snow as long as wind isn't involved which is nigh on impossible in Oklahoma. Fortunately, snow doesn't stick around here long.

Unfortunately, once this round of cold weather set in, I started noticing my traitorous body sending me signals that I'm not young anymore. What the heck? I've never had this problem before. I guess I've been fortunate–until now. I have always been one who hopped out of bed raring to go as soon as my feet hit the floor. Now I find that I have to slowly ease out of bed, sit on the side like an old car warming up, gingerly touch the floor with my toes to see if they'll hold up this old body, hoist myself out of bed and shuffle to the bathroom. On the reverse side, where before I'd be asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow, now it takes a couple of hours for my mind to quit reminding about everything I've forgotten to do or everything I wished I had or hadn't said or done. I just can't win sometimes.

So, after I've made all the 'old people' noises and scared our dogs while performing my morning ablutions, I shuffle into the living room, plop myself into my recliner and take a twohour nap. Then I just might be ready to face the day. But I doubt it.

At my age I've found that it is never a good idea to get down on the floor unless I have a table, chair or block and tackle for assistance.

It's bad enough getting old but it hurts when our children show us up by rubbing it in that we're old and they're not.

While our daughter and son-in-law work out almost every day, here I sit watching a program I don't even like because the remote control fell on the floor. I did learn I can order a set of pans for only four easy payments of $39.99. They're banking on the fact that if they don't display the full price most of us won't bother to do the math and they'd probably be right. These pans are guaranteed that food will not stick and won't scratch. Ha! I bet I could burst their bubble in a week.

At my age, trying to keep up with the kids and grandkids is out of the question. Forget about bending over to tie their shoes. I nearly pass out trying to tie my own. Touch my toes? Ha! I haven't even seen my toes since 2010.

I've compiled a list of things that have changed dramatically over the last few years.

Things that used to hurt my back–Jumping off car port roofs; crashing my bike jumping a speed bump; falling out of trees or the support beams of our garage; diving into the shallow end of our pool (or diving at all); contact sports, or any sports for that matter.

Things that hurt my back now: sneezing unexpectedly; slipping on my freshly mopped floor; washing dishes; cooking huge meals, brushing my teeth, tying my shoes, rolling over in bed, breathing 'wrong'.

Things that tried my patience when I was younger: Nothing

Things that try my patience now: EVERYTHING

One of the things I miss the most is my memory. Note to self: Never make a note in my phone calendar for an appointment without also noting what the heck the appointment is for. A few months ago, at our annual physicals our doctor told David he needed to have a test and then see a specialist. The problem is I failed to write down what the heck the test was for.

So, we wouldn't look like old fools when we went for his test, I called the doctor's office to find out what he was being tested for. The receptionist couldn't find anything in his files, so I called the office of the doctor he'll be seeing after the test. She didn't know either! She narrowed it down to what it probably was based on what the doctor specializes in.

Growing old is the pits but it beats the alternative.