I Had A Good Thing Going

  • I Had A Good Thing Going
    I Had A Good Thing Going

I had a good thing going, then I blew it. I've had some 'issues' in the last few months, which has gotten me out of a great deal of work. David's even been doing the laundry, something he hasn't done a lot of in the last 47 years. He does a darn good job, too, and by good job I mean, I don't have to do it so-Good Job! Now, if I could just get him to cook something, anything, besides breakfast foods, I'd be set, but I guess this is where he draws the line. He'll wash dishes, mop, vacuum, make beds, and many other chores but cooking-no dice. I guess I can't have everything.

But silly me, I got the urge to 'Spring Clean' during the hottest time of the year and decided I finally had enough energy to do some cleaning around the house. I guess this is an excellent time since Heaven knows it's too freaking hot to do anything outside unless you like being baked like a potato. I, personally, do not and if you do-you're nuts!

I know it's way past spring, but you know me-I am the Queen of Procrastination and the Queen of the Couch Potatoes. I know it's two titles. I can have more than one. Just ask the Queen of England. I don't know how many titles she has, but I bet it's a lot.

My gigantic mistake was tackling my 'craft' closet. Have you ever listened to the radio program "Fibber McGee & Molly"? Fibber has a hall closet full of stuff and on every episode, every time he opens it, you can hear everything falling out. Well, that's kind of like my closet, except it doesn't fall out-I just can't squeeze my rather sizable tuchus in there.

So I started tossing everything out into the middle of the room to sort in piles of keep, give away, or throw away. Guess which pile was bigger? I know, I know-I'm a packrat. LOL

You'll be proud to know that I was able to select a lot of items to give away, a few things to throw away, and had plenty of room for the things I decided I just couldn't part with.

I know what you're thinking-you're thinking, "Great, she finally got the closet organized." Well, you'd be wrong. That'd be a big, fat nope. I didn't say I organized anything. I said I cleaned. There's a sizeable difference. I now have everything in nice neat piles in nice neat storage containers, but I have no idea what is in any of the containers.

I tried one time, years ago, to make a label system listing what items were in each storage container, but that didn't last. Those darn sticky labels fell right off. I read an article a long time ago where a woman took pictures of the shoes in her boxes and pasted them to the outside. That might work for shoes but I don't I could do that with all my sewing, quilting, and general craft supplies. For one thing, I'd have to remember how to send the pictures, which would probably be mostly out of focus, to the printer. Then, with my luck, I'd have to re-sync my printer to my phone. Once I got that figured out, which would require a minimum of two hours of 'research' on YouTube on how to do all that, with my luck, I'd run out of ink and picture paper before I got it all inventoried, synced and sent. No, that would not work. Not at all.

But I digress.

I've set an awful precedent by acting 'normal' in front of David. Like our dog, who expects a treat before she'll go outside to do her business, I'm sure David has come to expect 'normal' wifely behavior from me. Cleaning and organizing haven't been high on my list of priorities since the babies were born and I'd hate for anyone to come to expect it from me now.

Do you think I could get out of this predicament if I slowly started acting 'not normal' again? (Would he even notice?) It wouldn't have to be very gradual since husbands, as a general rule, never notice when their wife is sick unless there's no dinner on the table when he gets home from work. At least mine doesn't. I've taken to moaning really loud when I want him to think something is wrong. I may have to bring that back in order to get out of cleaning and laundry. I think I'd be worth a shot since it's an oldie but a goodie.