I’m Fine How are You?


At the current time I’m a 75 model “jalopy,” I’ll let you define jalopy in your own words. When I meet someone, they usually say, “How are you?’ My most common reply is “fine’. To reply otherwise is probably of little interest to them and they would only be bored if I gave a lengthy amount of time telling them the true state of my 75-model jalopy, which is certainly not operating as it used to.

My steering mechanism must be getting worn. My headlights are dimmer, and my horn is nothing more than a mere toot. My speed is not what it used to be and my miles per gallon of get and go is way down. As far as climbing hills or even gentle slopes, flat is better. You get the picture, this old jalopy is, well, you know how it is.

But, in spite of all this, I’m still a pretty good old jalopy. The real me who is this old jalopy, tries to fashion his life, his actions, and his attitudes to according to what the apostle Paul said how he choose to live life.

Even though Paul’s own physical body (his jalopy) was somewhat in a hazardous and unhealthy state, he said to the Philippian church members, ”I am going to rejoice, be thankful, and be content with whatever my state may be, and I encourage all of you to rejoice with me.”

These are good words for everyone. Whatever model of jalopy you are, newer or older, you have the choice of complaining or bellyaching about your physical state or you can choose to do as Paul said, “I’m going to rejoice, and I want others to do the same.”

I encourage you to choose to celebrate the ‘good’ that has come your way rather than focusing on your ills.

So…I’m fine, thank you. How are you?