A Senate Review

  • A Senate Review
    A Senate Review

This past week, the Legislature met in special session to complete our work redrawing the boundary lines for legislative and congressional districts. We’re required by law to redraw district lines every 10 years to make adjustments for population changes. Normally, this process is completed in the session following the year in which the U.S. Census has been conducted, but because of the impact of the pandemic on the census, the final numbers were not available until August, some three months after the session ended.

We used estimates from the U.S. Census Bureau to make our initial maps for state Senate and House districts during the 2021 legislative session, but when the final numbers were available, it was clear that some of those maps would have to be adjusted, something that was done during the just-ended special session. Because congressional districts can only vary in population count by a single person, we also had to wait to complete our work on those maps until we had those final figures.

This was a redistricting process unlike any other in our state’s history. It was the most open and transparent process ever conducted—we held some 30 inperson and virtual town hall meetings to give the public the opportunity to ask questions, voice concerns and submit their own maps. Those finally approved by the Legislature are more compact than the current maps, and it is also important to note than 87 percent of Oklahomans will remain in the same congressional district.

Because of population changes, the boundaries in my district, Senate District 26, will be changing and I’ll be talking to you about that more in the weeks to come.

In the days leading up to the special session, communities throughout the state and around the country helped honor our military with Veterans Day events. I had the great honor of attending the Sweetwater Veterans Memorial Highway Ceremony and a Veterans Day program at Sweetwater Public Schools. The day began at the Sweetwater Baptist Church, where Bob Carey, a member of the Sweetwater Veterans Memorial Commission, led the dedication.

Representative Todd Russ and I authored the bill for the highway memorial, and the dedication was a very moving event. The ceremony at the school included entertainment and a meal for our local veterans, served by students and educators. While the intent was to honor our veterans, I know the students learned a lot as well. The amount of encouragement and support for our veterans in Sweetwater by students and adults alike was inspirational.

I want to thank Bob for all the time and work he puts in for the Sweetwater Veterans Memorial Commission—his dedication is seen through the beautiful memorial built on the Sweetwater Public School grounds. I also want to thank Superintendent Casey Reed and his staff. They did a fantastic job honoring our local veterans and educating students about the importance of Veterans Day.

I also want to mention a waffle supper and bake sale I recently attended at the Zion Amish Mennonite Church in Thomas. The annual event raises funds for local non-profits. I always enjoy attending, and Pastor Wingard and his wife Loretta go above and beyond to make these fundraisers such a great success.

Lastly, I want to wish each of you a happy Thanksgiving. I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to be your voice in the Oklahoma Senate.

If you have any questions or concerns about state government, please contact me by email at Darcy.Jech@oksenate.gov or by phone at 405-521-5545.