State of Emergency Declared in Watonga, Geary

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After much consideration, the City of Watonga declared a state of emergency at noon March 31. Under that declaration, the city may suspend utility disconnects – which it has done - restrict access to municipal facilities including the library and acquire personal protective equipment for first responders. They may also conduct outbreak response activities as warranted under a unified command. “We can issue a declaration to accelerate the purchase of personal protective equipment,” said City Manager Larry Mitchell. He pointed out that did not mean there was imminent danger in town.

The declaration also urges residents to use social distancing, appropriate hygiene, selfisolation as needed, and general social responsibility. Mitchell emphasized residents can pay their utility bills by mail, online or by using the dropbox outside the light and water department. Businesses are encouraged to use innovative techniques to deliver goods and services to the community while limiting exposure to the Covid-19 virus and investigate assistance programs available to them.

As of the 11 a.m., March 31, update from the Oklahoma State Department of Health, there are no active cases in Blaine County.

The City of Geary enacted its own declaration of emergency March 26 in a special meeting. “I hope we don’t have to use this, but we want to have it available,” said Mayor Bobby Allen.

The declaration allows the city to circumvent some purchasing requirements such as bid ceilings or use of state contract pricing. For instance, if there is a need for tires for an emergency response vehicle, the city can get the tires in the fastest manner rather than operating through the bid system to ensure the best price is exercised.

The declaration is also the first step in a series of steps necessary to put the city in line for state and federal funding to recover from the emergency, if and when those funds become available.

Meanwhile both cities have developed a database questionnaire that assesses the household for number of members, address of the home, telephone number, ages and names of household members, whether the household requires signage stating a member is ill, if there is oxygen in use in the house, a diabetic in the home, whether a storm shelter is on the property and where, and if anyone in the home is a volunteer or would be interested in volunteering.

The Geary signage is a red card/green card system and those cards are available at many locations around town, including Family Dollar and City Hall. The green sign is no symptoms, all’s well, while the red side indicates someone in the house is showing symptoms of Covid-19 or has tested positive for the virus.

Roy Simpson, the medical director for Medic West emergency services in Geary, said as of the time of the meeting and there are seven known cases in Canadian County. He also noted there is a strict protocol in place and patients who do not meet the requirements will not be tested.

Geary public works director Jeff Choate, who also serves as the fire chief, said his city crews are continuing to work and accomplishing projects. He pointed out trash must be bagged before being placed in dumpsters and poly carts, and trash crews are wearing gloves and masks as they pick up trash receptacles.

Geary Chief of Police Cecil Harrall reminded residents the town is not on lockdown and no passes are needed to travel in Oklahoma. Residents and those passing through the town do not have to show that they are essential workers or explain their destination.

The emergency response team consists of Cody McPherson, the town’s emergency management director, Choate as fire chief and public works director, Blaine and Canadian County emergency management directors and Simpson as well as the mayor.

In Watonga the team includes Robert Daughtery, the city emergency manager, Jim Shelton, Blaine County Emergency Management Director, Josh Boden emergency medical services director and city clerk Verlen Bills.

Connie Burcham can be reached at