Updates from Geary Public Library


Hello Readers!

It’s a new year and a chance to start over, a chance to make change and be a positive reflection that shines on the community. So much can be said about the last 2 years of “What just happened?” We’ve gone through some very difficult times for sure, and lost many people to this change. Let’s start this year with positive thoughts and actions, take the compassion you’ve learned in this time, and turn it into a passion for life and living. A good place to start is the Library.

How can the library help you?

We have the information highway here at your fingertips.

Several computer stations available to everyone at any age.

Charging station for all electrical devices such as cell phones and tablets.

Caring workers to assist you with finding this information.

Books to read that can teach, inform, or give you passage to a place where you can reflect and relax.

Book delivery services for our elderly or homebound individuals in town.

Our Reference room that can be used as a meeting room, with a scheduled appointment.

Little free Library just outside our doors, open 24/7 with free books to take home,

All our books that were for sale are now free,

Crochet Club every Wednesday @1:00, for anyone that wants to learn and we provide materials for beginners,

Everyone is welcome! Our days open are Tuesdays and Wednesdays 10:00am -5:30pm, and Fridays 10am – 6pm

Call for any scheduled events, delivery, or general information at (405) 884- 2372.

Kim and Diane will be happy to assist you in any way.

Unfortunately Covid-19 is still an issue we all have to deal with. Please respect others as you enter the library and keep your distance. We offer hand sanitizer and masks if you need them.