Updates from Geary Public Library


Hello Readers,

Its almost spring and the library is ready for some warm weather. So in the spirit of Spring and new beginnings, we are going to waive all fines and fees this month. Bring back late and overdue books and no matter how overdue the books are, we will wipe the slate clean for you. Now that you have no excuses, come and see what’s new.

The libraries attendance is beginning to pick up and we are so happy to see your faces. Many new families have come into our community and visited us here as well. It’s nice to see that we are growing, and the library has so much new potential for growth. What would you like to see happen at the library? New events, programs, or special books, drop us a line on Facebook or come on in and sit a spell to talk or just visit.

Don’t forget…

Crochet Club every Wednesday @1:00, for anyone that wants to learn, and we provide materials for beginners, everyone is welcome!

Home delivery service is still available to the elderly or home-bound individuals. Call us to schedule a drop off or pick up of books. 405-884- 2372.

Hours are Tuesdays and Wednesdays 10:00am - 5:30pm, and Fridays 10am – 6pm

Kim and Diane will be happy to assist you in any way.