‘Wait until you’re older,’ proven to reduce substance abuse


Parental advice given for ages has been supported by research findings. ‘Wait until you’re older,’ has deflated the plans of kids and teens for centuries. Now we know there’s more to it than just Dad or Mom being a buzzkill.

In an article ‘Earlyonset drug use and risk for drug dependence problems,’ published in Addictive Behaviors, researchers Chen, Storr and Anthony concluded that Age of Initiation (First Use of Substance) is a predictor of later development of Substance Use Disorder. Their data showed that 90% of American adults with Substance Use Disorder initiated drug and/or alcohol use before the age of 18.

Additionally, 1 in 4 people who initiate substance use before age 18 develop Substance Use Disorder, compared to 1 in 25 for people who delayed use until they were 21 and older. The difference is frightening, considering all of the potential harms associated with Substance Use Disorder. Substance Use Disorder can potentially affect an individual’s physical health, selfesteem, mental health, relationships, and myriad other areas of life. SUD can impact a person for the rest of their life without often difficult lifestyle changes.

We certainly wouldn’t want any child or adolescent to be at risk for this very serious disorder, so what can we do to help prevent it? First, children need to be connected to their parents or caregivers in a positive, meaningful way. Spend time with kids intentionally by planning an activity or event. Kids enjoy being part of the planning process.

Secondly, communicate your expectations of the child’s use of drugs, alcohol, and tobacco. “I expect that when you are offered Marijuana that you’ll refuse it because you have dreams and goals. Marijuana use could put all that at risk.” And lastly, help kids develop healthy coping skills and habits that will build resilience, or the ability to refuse offers of drugs.

If you want to know more about building resiliency in Children, consider joining one of the coalitions that SWODA is apart of. Please visit https://www.swoda.org/ substance- use- prevent ion-treatment-andrecovery/prevention/od mhsas to learn more about the coalitions and our prevention efforts.

These prevention efforts are funded by a grant from the Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. The grant administrator is South Western Oklahoma Development Authority in Burns Flat.