Who Needs it Anyway?

  • Who Needs it Anyway?
    Who Needs it Anyway?
  • Who Needs it Anyway?
    Who Needs it Anyway?
  • Who Needs it Anyway?
    Who Needs it Anyway?

Well, shoot. The good news is I've found a way to remedy the situation of my inbox being cluttered with hundreds of emails I receive daily which has resulted in over 15,000 mostly unread missives. The bad news is I didn't mean to. Some of them are the result of my having purchased something or read something. Why does everyone want your email address every time you make the mistake of showing interest? I wish I were internet savvy enough to make up new e-mail addresses that I'd use for such occasions so I could keep my e-mail address private but I'm not. Why do some companies think it's okay to send dozens a day? Who has the time and patience to read them all? I do, but I'm not going to. Not even the ones that promise to save me money, make me rich, shave pounds off, or take stress away. So, I found a shortcut for reducing the number of e-mails which I'll reveal soon.

I was going through my e-mails, clicking on the ones I didn't want to receive anymore, and getting quite frustrated. For reasons I can't figure out every one of them comes through double. The same goes for emails I send so if you're getting duplicate e-mails from me it's not my fault. I have no idea how to fix it.

Those in charge of marketing are purposely making the unsubscribe option so small it takes a telescope to find it. Even after eye surgery, I still can't find the darn things for several minutes. Then they try to guilt-trip me into not leaving. Not gonna work. I'm outta there. I didn't take that long looking for the unsubscribe option to back out now. So I clicked on unsubscribe, returned to my e-mail page, selected the e-mail I no longer wished to receive, hit select all, hit delete, and zap! Panic! Fear! Frustration! It didn't ask me if I wanted to delete so many e-mails, so instead of getting rid of the one subscription I was targeting it deleted all my e-mails. Most of it was unimportant but that's beside the point. It was supposed to be my choice on what stays and what goes.

There went all my emails from strangers promising to send me millions if I send them my banking account and personal information plus my firstborn. Now I'll never find out if the widow from Timbuktu got all her money to the United States before her government snatched it. I feel bad I won't be able to help her establish a new bank account in my name. Shades of money laundering.

Not too long ago this would have sent me into an absolute tizzy. Panic attacks would abound. But not anymore. I refuse to let it ruin my day. Who needs it anyway?