Ferguson Features

  • Ferguson Features
    Ferguson Features

Do you love cheese? All kinds of cheese well then January 20th is your day. January 20th is national cheese lover day. Use this day to savor and enjoy any of the hundreds of varieties of cheese. Depending on which article you read, there are between 900 - 1,400 varieties of cheese, all classified by texture.

Some interesting cheese trivia: cheese is more flavorful at room temperature. Also Americans consume over 31 pounds of cheese per year. But, that's nothing compared to the French, who eat over 50 pounds of cheese per year.

Historical records vary as to when cheese was first made. It was somewhere between 7,500 and 8,000 B.C. Records suggest it may have first been discovered, by accident, in Poland or Arabia.

The world's largest cheese was put on display on this day in 1964 at the New York World's Fair. It weighed over 34,000 pounds. It's easy to celebrate this day, just set out several varieties of your favorite cheese and dig in and don't forget the wine.