God Is Fair In Everything


The psalmist writes, “The Lord is fair in everything He does and full of kindness. He is close to all call on Him sincerely (Psalm 145:17-180)”

Sometimes people are hesitant to trust the Lord. I find that many people who have had bad experiences in life, and especially in the church, have a reluctance to trust God. Maybe our feelings get hurt or maybe we attend a church service where everyone overlooked us. I know that those experiences can cause any of us to begin to thank that no one cares for or about us, even God.

Even the best of churches and church members make mistakes and fall short what God really wanted them to do or be. No one of us is perfect because we are human and always in need of God’s grace and love.

When others let you down, isn’t it wonderful to know that our Lord is fair or righteous in everything. He is full of kindness and always close to all who sincerely call upon Him.

I pray that you will put your trust in God and His Goodness, no matter how you feel or how others act toward you. I pray you will move beyond your disappointment and trust that God is always on your side.

Remember God always fair to all who will call upon Him and you can trust in His kindness and closeness.