Hi-Tech Is Not My Forte´


I've never been overly ambitious when it comes to trying new things that require a lot of 'thought' just to turn the darn thing on. When I got my first cellular phone back in the dark ages all I could do was make phone calls. Kids today would be appalled at the thought of a phone that was only good for actually talking to an actual person.

My first phone was a flip phone which I thought was so neat. I felt like Maxwell Smart on "Get Smart" except I wasn't holding up a smelly shoe to my face. Texting was new, to me anyway, and way too much trouble. I had to punch the numbers one, two, or three times to get the letter I needed then wait for the little icon to stop flashing and move over so I could do it again three or four hundred more times. By the time I was able to write a simple text such as "Help! I'm fixing to blow my diet and eat a gallon of ice cream if you don't talk me down, right now!" the whole gallon would be gone, and I'd be in a sugar stupor.

Over time the phones got smaller and smaller until they'd get lost in my jacket pockets and by the time I found it, the caller would have already hung up. Then I had to figure out how to listen to the message. AARRGGHH!

Since the phones had gotten so small most people gave up and started wearing little headphones in their ears. We'd stick them in and walk around trying to look like VIPs, a/k/a corporate drones, talking to ourselves. I know I felt important. To others who had not yet embraced the space age, we looked crazy. Suddenly everyone with tiny phones, wearing tiny earbuds was getting mad at strangers who had the nerve to listen in on their conversations. The fact that they were talking loud enough to be heard in the next county was beside the point. I guess some people thought the smaller the phone, the louder they had to talk.

Just as we were all getting used to phones the size of a deck of cards, boom, the cellular phone people started making them bigger and bigger. By constantly changing the size of the phones every year, they created a market for those obsessed with always wanting the newest technology. Also, the accessories no longer worked with the new phone, so you had to spend even more money. There was a method to their madness, the evil geniuses.

My phone no longer fits in my pocket but, by golly, I can find if it rings. Of course, that's assuming I will actually hear it ring. Who was the genius that decided it was a good idea to put the volume control on the side and have it sticking out so that it gets bumped every time it's touched, or I put it in my purse? Not their best idea.

Now instead of getting frustrated by my cell phone, I'm getting stressed by a new toy. I told y'all about the virtual reality headset I won and have been going nuts trying to figure it out. Unfortunately, the smarty-pants who make these things assume we're all kids who were born with controllers in our hands so written instructions are "no necesito." Well, I'm here to tell them, they are muy necesito.

I purchased a couple of simple (I thought) games like bowling and miniature golf and for the life of me I cannot figure them out. The golf game isn't so bad since it'll let me walk over the barriers to get to the ball so I can still hit it even if I can't stay on the course. The bowling game is way harder. I can't even keep the lane in front of me let alone pick up and throw the ball. And if I do manage to throw the ball, after three frames the game wants me to walk to the gift shop and claim a new ball. I like the ball I have so why would I need another one?

There is one game I especially enjoy. There's a little flying robot that hands me cassettes to put into a 3-D printer. It prints cool stuff like butterflies that will land on my virtual hand or a gun I can use to shoot targets. I'm sure I look pretty demented to anyone who can see me waving my arms and pretending to shoot a gun.

I joined a couple of Facebook pages hoping to find out how to master something besides turning it on but so far I still can't bowl. Hitech is NOT my forte´.