A Lamp to My Feet


Zechariah 5 contains 2 more visions: 5:1­4, The Vision of the Flying Scroll, and 5:5­11, The Vision of the Wicked Woman in a Basket.

The flying scroll is a parchment or book. They did not have printed books like we have today This scroll contains a curse on each side. The front side, 5:1­2. is a curse against stealing. The back side,5:3­4, contains a curse against anyone who swears falsely. The punishment for both is: “Every thief shall be expelled . . . . Every perjurer shall be expelled.” God has always required His people to be honest. God is trustworthy, and He expects His people to be trustworthy. In 5:5­11, we see wicked

In 5:5­11, we see wickedness personified as a woman kept shut up in a basket with a leaden lid. When God’s people turned away from Him, He used the picture of an immoral wicked woman to show them what they were like. This woman is seen as being “bad to the bone.”

How many in our society are thieves? If they think they won’t get caught, they steal from the government; they steal from their employer; they steal from their neighbor; they steal from their friend; they steal from their family, and they steal from God.

How many in our society are guilty of perjury? They “swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth”. They are exposed as lying while under oath to be honest. To me, powerful politicians are the worst. They are exposed and are never punished. Seldom do they ever see the inside of a courtroom.

In my lifetime, I have seen the morality and standards of honesty in our society steadily dwindle to insignificance in so many people that I used to greatly respect. On the bright sight though, I have seen more and more of our youth embracing truth, honesty, and integrity. Our youth may be the salvation of our country. God bless each and every one of you.