Geary’s Return to Learn Plan

  • Geary’s Return to Learn Plan
    Geary’s Return to Learn Plan

We reserve the right to adjust this plan as we receive new information, things change in our community, or state/federal government requirement change.

The goal of this plan is to implement policies and procedures to ensure the safety of our students, staff, and visitors to our school to the best of our abilities. To begin our year, we will offer classes traditionally. No fully virtual option for instruction will be provided this year.

Buildings will be cleaned and disinfected on a daily basis.

We will no longer require temperature checks to enter school facilities. There will still be locations for students to check their temperatures at the entrances to the buildings if they desire. We would like to ask that all parents check your child’s temperature before they come to school. If they are sick, or have a fever, please keep them at home. Additionally, we would like to note that if your child has a temperature of over 100 degrees Fahrenheit, they will be required to go home.

Students will be asked to wash hands as often as possible during the school day. Additionally, we will have hand sanitizers available throughout the buildings.

The district will adhere to guidelines set by local, state, and federal health and safety guidelines when feasible.

Masks will not be required for students or visitors, but may be worn if an individual so chooses.

As a reminder those with COVID-19 have had a wide range of symptoms reported ranging from mild symptoms to severe illness. Symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus. People or children with these symptoms may have COVID-19:

▪ Fever or chills

▪ Unexplained or new cough

▪ Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing

▪ Unexplained muscle or body aches

▪ Unexplained headache

▪ New loss of taste or smell

▪ Unexplained sore throat

▪ Congestion or runny nose

▪ Nausea or vomiting

▪ Diarrhea or abdominal pain

▪ Rash

▪ Bloodshot eyes

▪ Feeling extra tired

The list does not include all possible symptoms. If you answer yes to any of the above questions DO NOT COME TO SCHOOL AND/ OR SCHOOL ACTIVITIES. Contact your medical provider. Employees notify your immediate supervisor.

If a fully vaccinated student or staff member has been known to have close contact with an individual who has tested positive (e.g. someone in their household), they will not have to quarantine. Those who are not fully vaccinated will still be asked to quarantine in accordance with CDC guidelines.

In the event of a rise in cases of COVID-19 and the state decides that it is in the best interest of schools to offer to students remote learning, our district may switch to a distance learning model.

During such time, all grades and credits would count toward a student’s academic progress. Attendance will be required for students. Students could be instructed via Google Classroom, Zoom or other methods deemed appropriate by their building principal.

We may also use distance learning in the event a student needs to stay away for days or weeks at a time for medical emergencies.

All COVID-19 related questions and concerns from parents and community members should be sent to Sean Buchanan –, Christa Burns -, or Joy Osborne -

As the pandemic is a changing situation, please note that plans and guidelines are subject to change.