Kids Ohh and Ahh Over Extreme Animals

  • Kids Ohh and Ahh Over Extreme Animals
    Kids Ohh and Ahh Over Extreme Animals
  • Kids Ohh and Ahh Over Extreme Animals
    Kids Ohh and Ahh Over Extreme Animals
  • Kids Ohh and Ahh Over Extreme Animals
    Kids Ohh and Ahh Over Extreme Animals
Long Caption

Extreme Animals at the Geary Public Library, part of the summer reading program, was so popular it was held at the community building so there was plenty of room. Alandra, from Extreme Animals, displayed a baby kangaroo named Joey, a chincilla named Jazmine and several other unusuall animals that kids don’t often see outside a zoo. Above, left, she helps children touch a ring tailed lemur, which is pearched on her shoulder above. Below, at left, she offers the soft fur of the kangaroo to be touched by curious children and adults.


Extreme Animals at the Geary Public Library, part of the summer reading program, was so popular it was held at the community building so there was plenty of room. Alandra, from Extreme Animals, displayed a baby kangaroo named Joey, a chincilla named Jazmine and several other unusuall animals that kids don’t often see outside a zoo.

Above, left, she helps children touch a ring tailed lemur, which is pearched on her shoulder above. Below, at left, she offers the soft fur of the kangaroo to be touched by curious children and adults.