A Bubble Off Plumb

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  • A Bubble Off Plumb
    A Bubble Off Plumb

Well, it seemed like things were at least headed toward the Normal City Limits. Some businesses were reopening or changing business plans to begin readjusting to the way things are for a while.

Some of us were starting to look forward to vacation, even if it was a stay-cation. Get some of those projects done around the house and yard, clean the garage, you know, something that felt familiar, usual, ordinary.

There were hopes the warmer weather would kick some Covid butt and it would go away, at least for a while.

But noooooo. First, we had plans to finish cleaning the winter scum out of the pool relocate the resident frogs (the pool hasn’t been used in a while, obviously) and fill it with water over the Mother’s Day weekend. But the weather turned lousy and cool. Then my son showed me that in addition to the frogs, a snake had taken up residence in the pool, and I was out of the project altogether.

Happily, son was able to snare the snake with the pool scooper outy thing and relocate it. It was a harmless snake that doesn’t generally live in the water, but apparently the frogs were too tempting. The kid told what kind it was, but I don’t remember. Well, actually, I don’t care what kind of snake it was as long as it is the gone kind. The cool weather is expect

The cool weather is expected to hang on for a few more days. I can’t say I am a fan but knowing that warmer days – a lot warmer – are coming, maybe it is my attitude that should change. I should welcome the opportunity to get that garage cleaned while it is still possible to catch a breath in the un-airconditioned space, because all too soon it will feel like a blast oven in there.

I can learn to clean and treat the pool water during this practice time. It has been more than 20 years since I had a pool to keep up with and I am sure there are new things to learn and old things I have forgotten.

And lastly, while things are still mostly shut down, I should take advantage of the circumstances that keep my youngest child at home a few weeks longer. He will be gone soon enough, done with school, working, making new friends, getting ready to leave home. So instead of impatience I should be treasuring these days in my heart, saving them to take out as memories later, when he is living on his own. But he is coming home if

But he is coming home if another snake gets into the pool.

Connie Burcham can be reached at Editor@WatongaRepublican.com